ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 11 класса лексический практикум Starlight Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В., Мильруд Р.П., Эванс В. на 5
Авторы: Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В., Мильруд Р.П., Эванс В..
Издательство: Просвещение 2018
С «ГДЗ по английскому языку для 11 класса Лексический практикум Starlight Баранова (Просвещение)» школьники больше не захотят прогуливать уроки. А все потому, что работа с решебником поможет легко выполнять даже самое объемное домашнее задание, прорабатывать и закреплять новые правила, разобраться во временах глагола и расширить словарный запас. Регулярные занятия вернут ребятам уверенность в своих силах. Подростки захотят чаще отвечать на уроках, чтобы получать положительные отметки и радовать родителей.
Стоит ли пользоваться решебником по английскому языку для 11 класса Лексический практикум Starlight Баранова
Современная школьная программа рассчитана на ребят, которые одинаково хорошо понимают как гуманитарные, так и точные науки. Однако к одиннадцатому классу даже отличники успевают накопить пробелы в знаниях, которые мешают получать положительные отметки. А уж говорить о ребятах, которым иностранный язык дается с трудом, и вовсе не стоит.
Зная обо всех трудностях подростков, специалисты создали качественное методическое пособие. ГДЗ не просто содержит верные ответы к номерам, оно предоставляет детям важный пояснительный материал, позволяющий осознать, как работают те или иные правила. Эта информация обеспечивает глубокое понимание предмета, которое точно пригодится как во время занятий, так и на ЕГЭ. Но чтобы извлечь из
Как работать с решебником
Первым делом одиннадцатиклассники должны забыть о бездумном копировании ответов. Методисты рекомендуют придерживаться базовых правил при использовании пособия: изучить теоретический материал, самостоятельно выполнить все задания, открыть решебник и сверить ответы и исправить любые неточности.
Если ребята будут использовать ГДЗ как проверочное пособие, то совсем скоро они заметят, что их отметки и знания улучшаются.Структура решебника
Справочник с верными ответами абсолютно идентичен учебнику по английскому языку. В нем рассмотрены упражнения из таких модулей, как:
- Communication.
- Challenges.
- Rights.
- Survival.
- Spoilt for Choice.
А пользоваться сборником стало еще удобнее. Решебник теперь представлен в онлайн-формате. Его можно легко загрузить на любом современном гаджете, в том числе и на смартфоне.
Тесты по лексике к УМК Starlight 11 | Тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему:
Опубликовано 16.01.2018 — 16:17 — Веретенникова Татьяна Валерьевна
УМК Starlight 11 изобилует новыми для учащихся лексическими единицами. После тренировки новых слов необходимо проверить, как учащиеся их запомнили и насколько хорошо могут использовать новую лексику в речи. В данном разделе содержатся лексические тесты, составленные на базе слов и выражений, вводимых на двух первых разворотах каждого модуля Starlight 11.
Вложение | Размер |
лексический тест к Starlight 11, модуль1 | 18.21 КБ |
лексический тест к Starlight 11, модуль2 | 18.71 КБ |
лексический тест к Starlight 11, модуль3 | 18.72 КБ |
лексический тест к Starlight 11, модуль4 | 19.03 КБ |
лексический тест к Starlight 11, модуль5 | 18.92 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Starlight 11. Vocabulary Test 1.1
I Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the Russian words.
Насторожиться убедительный непроизвольный сигнал провалить сделку торопиться в попытке чесать уговорить осанка недостаток
- When people keep their arms folded or their legs crossed, this is a(an) … … that they try to hide their emotions.
- Advertisements are aimed at … people to buy their products.
- His speech was so … that many people believed him.
- The antelope ran as fast as it could … … … to escape from the tiger.
- We’ve got plenty of time; there is no need to … .
- He … … … up when a tour agent offered him a trip to Hawaii at a very low cost.
- It’s not the first time when Kevin has … … … … . We should find a new sells manager.
- Although more and more people choose to live in the country, quiet life outside big cities also has its … .
- Try not to … yourself if mosquitos have bitten you. The bites will soon stop itching.
- It’s essential to have the right … while working on the computer .
/10 points
II Match the words in the two columns. One word in each column is extra.
- powers
- wrinkle
- personal
- minor
- non-verbal
- shrug
- glance
- shake
- drum
- consider sb
- peer
- matters
- through the keyhole
- her shoulders
- communication
- his fingers
- to be sth
- space
- her head in disbelief
- his forehead
- of persuasion
- her lips
/5 points
III Complete the sentences with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
- While father was scolding him, the boy … narrowed his eyes. DEFEND
- … at school brought Ron into a lot of trouble. BEHAVE
- We cooked loads of food on the … that everybody invited would turn up. ASSUME
- My grandfather has strong political … . CONVINCE
- My friend’s words worked …, and my mother let me go to the concert. PERSUADE
/5 points
IV Translate the sentences into English.
- Он говорит с таким акцентом, что я не могу понять ни слова в его речи.
- В смущении Бетти зарделась румянцем и глупо захихикала.
- Девочка слушала историю с широко открытыми глазами, открыв рот и прижав руки к груди.
- Мой папа не считает, что интернет – это надежный источник информации. /10 points
Total: / 30 points
Предварительный просмотр:
Starlight 11. Vocabulary Test 2.1
I Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the Russian words.
Бродить маршрут шумное (полное жизни) сообщество пасти изменение (переход) запрещать удобства жилище место сбора процветать
- Noises, shrieks, laughter of this … … died down only by midnight.
- Is your house close to all local … , such as supermarkets, gyms, cinemas?
- In Finland you can often see road signs ‘Be aware of deer’ as they … freely in the countryside.
- Only few businesses were … in that economic situation.
- Local people … their sheep and cows on this area in the past.
- Motorists are advised to find an alternative … in order to avoid getting into a huge traffic jam on M8.
- At a distance you can see … of monks carved into a stone high in the mountains.
- The use of all gadgets during the Russian State Exam is … by the authorities.
- The 90th were a period of … from the old Soviet system to modern Russia.
- Market Square is a traditional … … for the village inhabitants.
/10 points
II Use the words to make the word combinations complete. There are two extra words.
swarm, yell, hum, pack, flock, purr, school, roar, shriek, army, bark, hiss, twitter, shout, colony, litter
- A(an) … of fish
- A(an) … of wolves
- A(an) … of ants
- A(an) … of bees
- A(an) … of sheep
- Birds …
- Cats …
- Bees …
- Snakes …
- Dogs …
- … in alarm
- … with laughter
- … with excitement
- … to make yourself heard
/7 points
III Replace the phrases in bold with the correct form of phrasal verbs.
- It’s typical of Paul to delay doing the project till the deadline.
- My Granny never feels lonely as she always provides with accommodation all our numerous relatives when they arrive in Moscow.
- I will end the telephone conversation if you continue speaking to me like that.
- Sarah felt amused as she had found her old diary by chance on the bottom of the drawer.
- In the end he has managed to explain his ideas clearly. /5 points
IV Translate the sentences into English.
- Как только забрезжил рассвет, стадо слонов направилось к водопою.
- Вы можете увидеть красочные косяки рыбы сквозь абсолютно прозрачную воду озера, расположенного в заповедной зоне.
- Нас попросили немного пользоваться душем, так как подача воды ограничена в дневное время.
/8 points
Total: / 30 points
Предварительный просмотр:
Starlight 11. Vocabulary Test 3.1
I Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the Russian words.
Обвинение допрос (расспрос с пристрастием) местонахождение улики наиполнейший чрезвычайно важный наблюдение затаенная обида законопослушный засеменить (поспешно удрать)
- She hated her parents’ endless … about where she had been.
- All schools in the country must be equipped with … cameras.
- The Germans are … citizens. They even never break a speed limit.
- After being questioned by the police, she was released without any … as she had a firm alibi.
- Despite the fact that he pleaded innocent in the court, all the … showed that it was he who robbed the bank.
- After Frank had been dismissed from his post, he had a … against his boss.
- At the sight of a cat, the mouse … off.
- His … are still unknown as he’s hiding from the law.
- Winning this contract is … to the success of the company.
- No one party is expected to win the … majority. /10 points
II Write a word by its definition.
- The crime of attacking someone violently in order to steal their money in a public place.
- The crime of deliberately setting a fire to sth, for example, a building.
- The crime of using violence or threats to take control of a plane or other vehicle.
- The crime of taking or bringing goods secretly and illegally in or out of the country.
- The crime of using personal data illegally via the Internet.
- The crime of cheating someone in order to get money or goods illegally.
- The crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell sb else a secret about them.
/7 points
III Decide on the correct word.
- Everybody in the court stood up when the jury appeared to deliver the sentence/ decision/ conclusion/verdict.
- Jack had to pay a fee/ penalty/ fine/ charge for speeding.
- A moratorium on death/ high/ capital/ serious punishment was prolonged some years ago in Russia.
- Will she plead/claim/ ask/ announce guilty or innocent in the court?
- He often acts as if he is under/over/above/up the law. He isn’t a law-abiding citizen.
- She was charged of/ in/ at/ with pickpocketing and sent on community service/ duty/ work/ punishment.
/7 points
IV Fill in the correct preposition.
- The road policeman let her … with a warning for the illegal parking.
- He was found guilty … mugging and sentenced … five years in prison.
- The burglars broke … at night and took all my sister’s jewelry.
- While the case is being investigated, the criminal will be held … custody.
- The CCTV cameras captured the faces of the men who held … the bank. /6 points
Total: / 30 points
Предварительный просмотр:
Starlight 11. Vocabulary Test 4.1
I Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the Russian words.
Образцы крови родословная (предки) одинокий подходящая пара случайный (случайно выбранный) безрадостный группа исследователей образец (представитель) умерший понять намек
- Steve felt … his first months at university till he made some friends.
- Future looks … for many endangered species.
- He was able to trace his … back over 1,000 years.
- Having taken DNA molecules from a … animal, scientists are working on cloning a mammoth.
- Do you believe that a … lottery ticket can win you a fortune?
- … … taken from the tortoises that live on different islands showed that they have a common ancestor.
- The aquarium has some interesting … of unusual tropical fish.
- Mary complained of heat ant stuffiness. Garry … … … and brought a bottle of mineral water and two ice-creams.
- Are you sure that Barbara and Philip are a … … ? They are so different.
- A … … from Argentina claimed that solar batteries generate only 17% of energy that comes from the sun.
/10 points
II Fill in the prepositions.
- Leo has to deal … a great number of problems in his work.
- Do you ever choose a film to watch … random?
- … a sense, this matter isn’t relevant any more.
- How difficult was it for him to adapt … new school?
- … average, the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere increases by 1 degree per year.
/5 points
III Write the words by their definitions.
- To have qualities , physical features that are similar to those of your parents, grandparents.
- A unit inside a cell which controls a particular quality in a living thing that has been passed on from its parents.
- A piece of land that is surrounded by a fence and is used for a particular purpose.
- Following immediately one after another.
- In a way that has a very great effect on sb/sth /5 points
IV Complete the sentences with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
- … diseases are very difficult to cure. INHERIT
- She spent the … her uncle had left to her during a year. INHERIT
- Our country has rich cultural … . INHERIT
- … and environment have a big influence on a man’s health. INHERIT
- Prince Charles is an … to the British throne now. INHERIT
/5 points
V Translate the sentences into English.
- Красная белка редка в Британии и считается вымирающим видом.
- Причина ее упадка – это потеря среды обитания и конкуренция за еду с серой белкой.
/5 points
Total: / 30 points
Предварительный просмотр:
Starlight 11. Vocabulary Test 5.1
I Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the Russian words.
Полнейший сердце упало поступиться гордостью не говоря о помчаться тянуться (о времени) усмешка лучезарно улыбаться устало брести свинцовый (темно-серый)
- The dogs … forward at the sight of a hare at the edge of the field.
- The wounded soldier … across the marsh.
- The hours … … but there was no telephone call from my friend.
- The village church looked unusually bright under the … sky.
- Dick worked so hard at university that he didn’t have enough time to sleep at night, … … to mix up with friends.
- Julie felt much better when she saw Frank … at her and waving his hand.
- He looked arrogant with a permanent … on his face.
- My … … when they began to announce the exam results.
- To my … astonishment, they offered me an apprenticeship in Germany.
- He had to … his … and bring a profound apology for his misbehaviour.
/10 points
II Fill in the correct preposition.
- The train was packed … passengers.
- He felt really enthusiastic … the trip.
- Increase in carbon dioxide emission will speed up the greenhouse effect.
- He smiled secretly … himself.
- When Kathy saw John beaming … her, she realized that he had brought good news.
- Peter felt sorry … his yesterday’s rudeness.
- Molly felt sorry … the stray dog and took him home. /7 points
III Choose the correct word.
- We decided to stay at home as it was drizzling/pouring with rain.
- She couldn’t tear her eyes from his beaming/grim face.
- Mountain peaks capped with ice sparkled/glowed in the sun.
- Elderly people usually try to save up some money for a black/rainy day.
- I had left my umbrella in the office and came home soaked to the bone/skin.
- His selfish behavior/attitude puts me off.
- Being bullied at school was a soar/painful experience for Jack. /7 points
VI Translate the sentences into English.
- Его яркая личность сделала его образцом для подражания среди сверстников.
- Анна была так возмущена, что она бросилась из комнаты, с шумом захлопнув дверь.
- Давление одноклассников было столь сильным, что ей потребовался год, чтобы привыкнуть к новой школе.
/6 points
Total: / 30 points
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