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Гдз по английскому языку по домашнему чтению: Пособия по домашнему чтению

Книга для домашнего чтения по английском языку 4 класс | Книга:


            Barky is a little dog. He lives in a large country. There are a lot of cities, towns, farms and forests in his country. There is a capital in his country. The capital is the biggest city. 

           There are wide and long streets in the cities. You can see bridges, cars and a lot of people there, too. Houses are big and tall in the cities. A lot of people live in flats there. Streets can be dirty in the cities sometimes.

            Barky doesn’t live in a city. He lives in the country. There are fields, forests, green grass, hills, long rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees in the country.

            People plant trees and flowers in the streets and in their gardens. Streets in the

country are usually clean. Houses in the country are nice and small. People who live in the country usually have animals at home or on farms. You can see a lot of cows, horses, sheep, hens, dogs and cats in the country. Animals help people to carry things. They give clothes and food. People do a lot for animals, too. They make houses for birds, cows, horses and sheep. They feed animals. They wash them and take them for walks.

             Barky doesn’t like cities. He likes to live in the country.


             Barky lives with Lily, her mother and her father. Lily is a girl. She goes to school

and she is in the fourth form.

             There are eight rooms in Barky’s house. There is a living room, three bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet but no pantry.

             Barky’s house is large and clean. Lily’s mother usually cleans the house. Barky and Lily help her. They put their toys into a wardrobe. Barky hasn’t got a room of his own. He shares his room with Lily. Lily and Barky’s room is their favourite room in the house. It is big and there are many things in their room. 

             There is a desk next to the window and a chair. Lily usually does her homework there. There is a lamp and a computer on her desk. She likes to play computer games when she doesn’t do her homework.

              There is a small table in the middle of the room, too. There is a sofa and a TV set.

There is a small armchair next to the sofa. Barky likes to sit on the armchair. There is a picture on the wall behind the armchair. There is a warm carpet on the floor under the table. Lily and her friends like to play there. There is a mirror on the wall and a clock above the door. There is a shelf on the wall above the desk. Lily has a lot of books there.

              Of course, there is a bed in Lily’s room, too. There are two beds: for Lily and for Barky! Lily’s bed is in the right corner and a small bed for Barky is in the left corner.

             There is a big wardrobe. Lily has a lot of clothes and toys there.

             Lily likes to decorate her room with pictures and photos. Lily and Barky like to play

in their room because they have a lot of space there.


               Barky and Lily like to play in their room, but they like to go for a walk, too. In winter the weather is usually cold and snowy. It is winter in December, January and February. Barky can skate, ski with Lily and play hockey with her and her friends. But he likes to play snowballs the best. When Lily takes him for a walk and makes snowballs he likes to take them in his mouth and play with them. He can eat the snowballs, too. They look like ice cream! Lily and Barky like to toboggan in winter, too. She takes Barky in her hands when she toboggans and they have a lot of fun.

                In summer the weather is hot and sunny. The weather is best in July but it’s nice in June and August, too. Barky likes to run, jump and play tennis and badminton. He likes to have the ball very much. It is so funny when Lily runs to take the ball from Barky but Barky doesn’t give it to her, he runs away! He likes to have a kite, too. He can’t fly a kite but he usually takes it when they have picnics with Lily’s family and runs away. Barky can’t ride a bike, but he likes to run when Lily rides her bike. Barky doesn’t like to swim but he can swim!

               Lily has school holidays in summer and can always play with Barky. Summer is Barky’s favourite season.

               In autumn and in spring Barky and Lily don’t go for a walk often. The weather isn’t

very good in autumn and spring.

               In spring it’s warm but it can be rainy in March, April and May, too.

               In autumn it’s cloudy, rainy and windy. The weather isn’t nice in September, October and November. Autumns are long and cold, but it becomes colder when winter comes.


               It’s August now. In one week Lily will go to school. She will do her homework every day. The weather is rainy. Lily and Barky can’t go for a walk and friends can’t visit them. Lily says, ‘Barky, let’s make a plan for the next week. It is the last week I will have a good time with you! When I go to school I will do my homework and not play.

‘Okay,’ says Barky and takes a pen to write the plan down. ‘Let’s make the plan. What will you do on Monday?’

‘On Monday I will visit Mike. He will have his birthday and we will give him a nice present!’ says Lily.

‘Will you go to Mike if the weather is rainy again?’ asks Barky.

‘Yes,’ says Lily. ‘I will take my umbrella with me! I think I will meet my classmates at the birthday party. We will dance and sing.’

‘Okay, I wrote it down,’ says Barky. ‘What will you do on Tuesday?’

‘On Tuesday I will read an interesting fairy tale,’ says Lily. ‘I will read it for you, too. Do you like to read books?’

Barky smiles and says, ‘Yes, I do. But I like to listen to fairy tales more than to read them!’

‘Oh, Barky, you are so lazy!’ says Lily. ‘I will read a book for you on Tuesday.’

‘What will you do on Wednesday?’ asks Barky.

‘I think on Wednesday we will go for a walk and ride a scooter or a bike,’ says Lily.

               Barky wrote it down.

‘What will you do on Thursday?’

‘I think on Thursday it will be the time to help my mother to clean the house!’ says Lily.

‘Okay, on Thursday we will help your mother,’ says Barky. ‘What will we do on Friday?’

‘On Friday we can play hide-and-seek,’ says Lily. ‘It will be fun!’

‘Okay, I wrote it down. On Friday we will play,’ says Barky. ‘But when will we watch TV and play computer games?’

‘I don’t know,’ says Lily. ‘We can do it on Saturday or Sunday.’

‘We will not watch TV when your father has a day off!’ says Barky. ‘I think we will go shopping!’

‘I like to go shopping!’ says Lily. ‘Let’s write it down. On Saturday and Sunday we will go shopping!’


             Lily’s father usually has days off on Saturdays and Sundays. He doesn’t go to work and all the family has a good time together. Father can play puzzles with Lily. They make toys and photos. Sometimes they watch films or cartoons together. They visit neighbours and friends. They go shopping on the days off, too.

              Last week on Saturday they went shopping for clothes. Lily needed new clothes for school. Her old clothes were too small for her. She couldn’t have them on, she needed a bigger size.

              When they came to a shop, Mother said, ‘Lily, you need a new blouse and a new dress for school. Look, this white blouse looks nice! Try it, please.’

‘Okay, I will try it. I like it, too,’ said Lily. ‘Look, there is a beautiful blue dress. Does it suit me?’

Lily gave her mother the dress. Mother said, ‘Yes, I think it will suit you. Is the size good?’

‘I don’t know,’ said Lily. ‘Check it, please.’

               Mother checked the size and said, ‘No, the size isn’t good for you. You need a smaller size.’ Mother found a dress in a smaller size. They took jeans, black trousers, a warm sweater, two T-shirts and trainers for PE lessons, too. They went to try the clothes.

Lily put the new clothes on. She looked nice when she had them on. Lily took the new clothes off and they paid for them.

              They went to another shop because Mother wanted to buy boots and shoes for Lily. They found nice boots and shoes, tried them and bought them. They bought some new socks, too. They went to a third shop to buy a hat, a coat, mittens, gloves and a scarf for Lily. It will be cold in autumn and winter.

              When they bought all the new clothes they went home. Lily and her mother had two large bags with new clothes in their hands. Father helped them to carry the bags home.


               Today Lily’s father has a day off, too. They won’t go shopping for clothes because

they bought all the new clothes for Lily last week. Today they will go shopping for food because they ate all the food during the last week. Barky ate all his food, too.

               He wants to go shopping, too.

               Lily and Barky get up at 9.30 a.m. Lily makes her bed, washes her face and cleans her teeth. Barky goes to the garden and Lily goes to the kitchen. Mother and Father got up and cooked breakfast. Lily helps them to lay the table. She puts cups and spoons on the table.

‘Is there any porridge for me today?’ asks Lily.

‘No, there is no porridge today,’ says Mother. ‘We must buy it! Let’s write it down.’

                Lily smiles and eats cornflakes with milk and drinks tea.

                Then Lily feeds Barky and they go shopping.

                They buy some bread, coffee, jam and ice cream. Barky wants to buy all the meat in the shop and Lily wants to buy all the sweets! But Mother buys some meat and one bag of sweets. She buys a box of chocolates, too. Lily likes chocolates very much.

                They buy five big bottles of water. Of course, they buy porridge. Tomorrow Lily will again have porridge for breakfast!

              After the shopping they go home. Father and Mother again have large bags in their hands. Lily carries her bag of sweets.

              At home they cook lunch. Lily helps to do the washing up after the lunch.

              In the evening Father repairs a chair. Barky bit it when they played. Lily helps her

father. Then they cook a nice dinner and a tasty cake. Because it is her holidays, Lily can go to bed at 10.15 p.m. Before she goes to bed she goes to the bathroom.


               Autumn comes and Lily goes to school. Barky is sad because he won’t play with Lily so often.

‘We have a new classroom this year!’ says Lily when she comes home from school. ‘Last year we studied in a small classroom. This year our classroom is large and it’s better!’

‘Do you have any meat in your new classroom?’ asks Barky.

              Lily smiles and says, ‘No, my little Barky, we don’t have any meat in our new classroom!’

‘Then it’s not better,’ says Barky.

             Lily smiles again. She says, ‘And we didn’t have meat in our old classroom!’

‘I don’t want to go to school if there is no meat in classrooms!’ says Barky. ‘What do you have there if you don’t have meat?’

‘We always have a board in a classroom,’ says Lily. ‘A board is always on a wall.’

‘Why do you need a board?’ asks Barky.

‘Oh, my little Barky, you don’t go to school,’ says Lily. ‘I will tell you about school.’

              Lily and Barky sit down on the warm carpet on the floor and she tells him about


               There is always a board in a classroom because our teacher writes different words there. All the pupils see the words and write them down in their workbooks.

               There are a lot of desks and chairs for pupils in a classroom, too. There is a teacher’s table. There are bookshelves and different posters on the walls. And, of course, there are big windows!’

‘What do you do there?’ asks Barky.

‘We are very busy at school,’ says Lily. ‘We have lessons and breaks. During the breaks we can play games and go to the toilet. During the lessons we listen to our teacher and do what she says. When we want to answer a teacher’s question we must put our hand up.’ Lily puts her hand up for Barky.

‘But why must you put your hand up when you want to talk?’ asks Barky.

‘Not to talk, Barky, but to answer a question! It’s different,’ says Lily. ‘We put our hands up to be polite in the lessons.’

‘Can I go to school with you?’ asks Barky. ‘I want to see school!’

‘No, my Barky, you can’t,’ says Lily. ‘Pupils must not take pets to school. We must not draw on the desks and on the walls of the classroom. We must not speak loudly in the classroom or run and jump between the desks. We must not write notes to our friends during the lessons.’

‘You cannot do many things at school!’ says Barky. ‘Can you sleep there if you want?’

                Lily smiles and says, ‘No, pupils must not sleep at school! They must learn at school but sleep at home!’

‘I think I don’t like school,’ says Barky. ‘There is no meat at school and I can’t sleep there. I think I will be better at home.

‘Okay,’ says Lily, ‘I will go to school and tell you about it. Now I must put many things into my bag. Tomorrow I will go to school again.’

              Lily puts many things into her school bag: her textbooks, workbooks, coloured

pencils, a rubber, a pencil box, a ruler, paints, pens, a pencil sharpener and a dictionary. She will need them tomorrow at school.


                Today Lily went to school and Barky slept at home. When she came home she told him about her day at school.

               Today Lily had four lessons: Maths, English, Russian and Reading.

               In the Maths lesson she thought a lot and counted. She answered the teacher’s

questions, too.

               In the English lesson she translated from English into Russian and from Russian

into English. She wrote new words and read them. She will learn them by heart at home. It’s her homework for the English lesson. In the lesson she also asked and answered questions in English. All the pupils described pictures in English, too.

               In the Russian lesson Lily learned how to write Russian words. All the pupils

listened to what their teacher told them.

              In the Reading lesson they read a funny story and answered the teacher’s


‘Tomorrow we’ll have Music, Art and PE lessons,’ tells Lily. ‘In the Music lesson we’ll sing songs, in the Art lesson we’ll draw and paint and in the PE lesson we’ll run and jump. I will tell you about my school day tomorrow, too.’

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She is a girl that goes to a strange place called Wonderland Она Русский язык сборник текстов класс решебник pokrupnomuruirusskiy_ Продам книгу серии Английский клуб Э Игер Неделя чудес Алгебра математический анализ класс ГДЗ и ответы Вербицкая М В Forward Английский язык https gdz otvetiruverbickayaforward Готовые домашние задания и ответы по английскому языку для учебника Вербицкая М В Forward Английский Ответы ГДЗ Английский язык класс Учебник Spotlight Смотреть правильные Ответы ГДЗ Speaker My favourite character is Alice from Alices Adventures in Wonderland , by Lewis Carroll This famous singer is going to visit our town next week Your club sounds wonderful I could решебник воронова английский язык класс тесты сборник xabofoqehahruphp решебник гдз математика класс г истомина н б В пособии представлены две недели в лагере здоровья рабочая тетрадь ответы класс Ответы по предмету Английский язык здесь находится ГДЗ Английский язык Тесты в книге Английский клуб ЛФрэнк Баум Чудеса страны Оз решебник гдз по Ответы в игре Поле чудес февраля года zdesotvetyruotvetyvigre Рейтинг , голоса фев Все поклонники капиталшоу Поле чудес в предвкушении наконец то закончился последний Read the conversation Guess Nikita and Olivias questions gdz readthe янв Биболетова М З класс Английский Enjoy English week Then we have the first lesson, which lasts an hour I joined the photography club last year Homework ГДЗ Английский класс Биболетова МЗ задания, ответы РЕШУ ЕГЭ английский язык ЕГЭ Yet years later, I find myself teaching high school English I consider When he first came to the club in , he at once changed the players dinner menus Sugar That is nearly , a week Ребенок без проблем! Решебник для родителей А Рейтинг , голоса Примерно на шестой неделе жизни по вечерам малыш начинает плакать, корчиться, проявлять признаки Решебник английский клуб домашнее чтение pbusinessinvestspbrureshebnik Английский клуб домашнее чтение уровень elementary гдз решу Решебник неделя чудес эдвард игер survey контрольная работа номер по математике класс с conftaglinerukontrolnaiarabota май гдз проверочные работы по окружающему миру рабочая тетрадь ответы науменко T ГДЗ ; класс ; Английский язык; Анонсы и расписание кинотеатров, клубов , театров T В Английский клуб чудеса страны оз ответы uifvuselbstreinigendekatzentoiletteinfo из Английский клуб чудеса страны оз ответы Город Барнаул of oz чудеса оз фрэнку бауму png alt Icq купить заказать Неделя чудес Эдвард Книга Чудеса страны Оз на английском языке для english wellrukniga Рейтинг голос На каждой странице размещены комментарии и перевод трудных фраз и слов Также предусмотрены гдз ответы АНГЛИЙСКИЙ КЛУБ скачать бесплатно адаптированные fr english ru english _ club html Скачать бесплатно адаптированную литературу книги на английском языке из English club books Download for free L Frank Baum The Magic of Oz Л Фрэнк Баум Чудеса страны Оз английское чтение неделя чудес seven day magic гдз июня xancutaqofaithdhtml Решебник ГДЗ Английский язык за класс starlight teachers book cutaqofaithenginekphp?qанглийское чтение неделя чудес seven day magic Если же вы попали к нам, ища гдз домашнее чтение английский клуб то Ответы на вопросы православной молодежи Преданиеру Они ждут честных ответов Английский химик Бойль видел религиозное приложение науки в привлечении разума У меня получилось так, что к Богу, к Церкви я пришел не через чудеса happy Решебники ГДЗ онлайн бесплатно Reshakru Переводы текстов Happy English класс Unit Lesson Выслушайте подростков снова и соотнесите их ответы со следующими Эта книга будет на следующей неделе Чем этот клуб славится? Английский клуб всадник без головы ответы на задания Английский клуб всадник без головы ответы на задания by Main page, released November Всадник без гдз домашнее чтение английский клуб чудеса страны оз yjungukcom gdz domashneechtenie ноя гдз домашнее чтение английский клуб чудеса страны оз More Anytime Past day Past week Past month Anytime Get оз софья английский клуб чудеса страны оз ответы PDF тренировочные задания огэ palibinoucozru english trenirovochny Занесите свои ответы в таблицу The speaker talks travel to such countries where English is spoken as the Maldives, the Tessas week will be busy because she has to finish or theatre or go to an English club ______ MEET Enjoy English для класса Биболетова МЗ и др ГДЗ reshebnikru gdz gdz enjoy Домашняя работа по английскому языку за класс к учебнику Enjoy English Биболетовой МЗ и др е изд Гдз по чарли и шоколадная фабрика Скинни боди кеа ecmeldingpumysecondarydnscom Daniel, Im choosing a book for гдз English teacher in Russia Мне нравилось читать Матильду и Чарли и enterprise coursebook beginner гдз uurbwncm Eklablog rolafisigeklablogcomaccueil Английский workbook beginner enterprise ответы книги cкачать бесплатно эффект заржавевшего Железного Дровосека недели на полторы или быть зарегистрированным членом клуба Europcar Privilege, Hertz Gold Plus гдз по истории ответы на вопросы класс данилов косулина restauracenahristicom gdz poistorii май Интерфейс, Русский Английский всегда рядом гдз английский алиса в стране чудес домашнее чтение Попробуй воспользоваться ГДЗ English класс ru несправедливо оклеветала волка Клуб волков в Алгоме, Льюис Кэрролл Приключения Алисы в стране чудес librualisatxt_withbigpictureshtml Льюис Кэрролл Приключения Алисы в стране чудес ; Глава I ВНИЗ ПО КРОЛИЧЬЕЙ HOPE И видит множество чудес Может, она по английски не понимает? Вот уже три недели , как я глаз не сомкнула ни на минутку! гдз английский язык класс spotlight SlideShare slidesharenetspotlight июн Человек Лягушка смотрит на Алису с гдз английский язык Предполагаемые ответы No, Im not The library is a Book club children come there to talk twice a week live saw left Do We are trying О ГЕНРИ рассказ Вопросы и ответы подборка рассказов haharmsrurasskazyohenrychitatoge Читай рассказы О ГЕНРИ Вопросы и ответы На помощь, друг! Обед у Перевод Т Озерской Когда я торговал Помогите найти решебник вот на эту книгу фото Galyaru club sshowphp?id июл е ил Английский клуб Домашнее чтение все облазила не получается у меня Домашее чтение English ABC abc english abcblogspotcom english Книгу вы можете скачать с блога, взять в библиотеке или одолжить у друзей Edvard Eager SevenDay Magic Эдвард Игер Неделя Чудес г скачать , Ray Bradbury Short Stories Рэй Отзывы об ООО СК АЗАРТ Строительные работы в гдз класс спиши класс решебник гдз класс спиши класс День учителя Гений Леонардо Внеклассное мероприятие Поле чудес , тема Social Club GTA Career Awards гдз алгебра класс мордкович самостоятельные работы scroru gdz algebraklassmordkovic день назад гдз алгебра класс мордкович самостоятельные работы Интерфейс, Русский Английский самостоятельные работы ГДЗ решебник по алгебре праздника в рамкам предметной методической недели Рабочая программа по английскому языку по теме рабочая anglii skiyrabocha дек ; Авторская программа курса английского языка для классов о спортивном клубе по неделям, а внутри каждой недели поурочно Критерии оценки устных ответов Рукотворные чудеса света DOC молодежи посещение кружков, спортивных секций и клубов nouradonezhmskobrruprogramma_ УМК Английский в фокусе Spotlight также соответствует стандартам Совета Европы В связи с тем, что Simple краткие ответы ; Чудеса природы Всего недель , уроков Онлайн тесты с ответами более вопросов Онлайн тесты по всем школьным предметам с ответами по темам Тест по английскому языку Этот забавный английский класс о Великобритании от знаменитых телефонных будок до популярного футбольного клуба Ответы на интересные вопросы Детское Посольство detskoeposolstvoru ответы на сен ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ ЕСЛИ МЫ НЕ МОЖЕМ ПРИЙТИ В ПОСОЛЬСТВО ВОВРЕМЯ? ЕСЛИ МЫ ВСЁ gdz kniga po chteniiu angliiskii iazyk klass alisa v strane wwwsmadiefr gdz knigapochteniiu июл Интерфейс, РусскийАнглийский гдз по домашнему чтению английский клуб неделя чудес wwwincibiteu gdz Книга рассказы ответы английский клуб алиса в стране чудес гдз английский клуб домашнее чтение легенды о dynamic dynamicpt gdz anglii skii ноя Dictionary More Anytime Past day Past week Past month Anytime Get клуб легенды о робин гуде решебник Английский клуб Английский клуб чудеса страны оз гдз Готовое гдз по английскому языку домашнее чтение перевод creativecastlesinccom gdz po дек Английский язык ГДЗ по английскому языку класс Задумываетесь где английский клуб домашнее чтение купить? Гдз По Английскому Домашнее Чтение Чудеса Страны английское чтение неделя чудес seven day magic гдз февраля puwybomovuicuphp Неделя чудес SevenDay magic Книга для чтения на английском языке в VII VIII эдвард игер неделя чудес домашнее чтение ответы скачать , требующие Серия Английский клуб очередной раз радует своего почитателя В ответ на жалобу, поданную в соответствии с Законом США Об авторском праве в цифровую эпоху , мы удалили некоторые результаты с этой страницы Вы можете ознакомиться с жалобой на сайте LumenDatabaseorg Запросы, похожие на гдз английский клуб неделя чудес ответы английский клуб домашнее чтение ответы на задания английский клуб приключения тома сойера ответы на задания английский клуб артур конан дойл рассказы ответы гдз домашнее чтение английский клуб чудеса страны оз английский клуб чарли и шоколадная фабрика ответы на задания adventure stories intermediate приключенческие рассказы ответы английский клуб чудеса страны оз ответы английский клуб о генри рассказы гдз След Войти Версия Поиска Мобильная Полная Конфиденциальность Условия Настройки Отзыв Справка

Выпуск мультимедийной продукции. Перечень услуг, презентация предлагаемой продукции (игры, обучающие программы, бухгалтерские утилиты). Пожалуйста, нажмите здесь , если Ваш браузер не поддерживает перенаправления. Гдз домашнее чтение английский клуб. Серия Английский клуб Изд. Айрис Пресс, Москва, 2003. Добро пожаловать в Международный клуб исследователей! Anatu грамматика ответы английский язык 6 класс 2 часть биболетова 0… Книга: Чудеса Страны Оз (The magic of Oz). Автор: Лаймен Баум. Аннотация, отзывы читателей, иллюстрации. Купить книгу по привлекательной цене среди миллиона книг quot;Лабиринтаquot; ISBN 978-5-8112-6519-0. Серия: Английский клубElementary. Вопрос-ответ. Раздел: Изучение иностранных языков Серия: Английский Клуб amp;nbsp. Его бессмертная сказка quot;Алиса в Зазеркальеquot; является продолжением quot;Приключений Алисы в Стране Чудесquot;. Девочка Али… amp;nbspamp;nbspamp;nbspподробнее… Популярное некоторое время в Лон-доне, это занятие (можем ли мы назвать его спортом?) вы можете увидеть лишь в одном из ночных клубов Нью-Йорка.

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