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Solutions гдз 8 класс: сторінка 30,31,32) до підручника з англійської мови SOLUTIONS Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book (Third Edition) by Tim Falla, Paul A Davies » Допомога учням

сторінка 30,31,32) до підручника з англійської мови SOLUTIONS Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book (Third Edition) by Tim Falla, Paul A Davies » Допомога учням

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UNIT 3, 3A Vocabulary, Films and TV programmes, page 30-31

Exercise 1

A Daniel Craig playing James Bond in a Bond film

B Chris Hemsworth playing Thor in a Thor or Avengers film

C Gru and the orphans in Despicable Me

D Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris playing Lily and Barney in How I Met Your Mother


Exercise 2

A action film 

B fantasy film 

C animation 

D sitcom


Exercise 3


2 period drama 

3 horror film

4 science fiction film 

5 game show 

6 news bulletin


Exercise 5

1 They agree.  

2 They disagree. 

3 They disagree.

4 They agree.


Exercise 6

1 ending 

2 scenes 

3 plot 

4 special effects

5 acting 

6 characters 

7 soundtrack 

8 script


Exercise 7

Animations don’t usually make me laugh.

I’m not a fan of romantic comedies.


Exercise 9

Round 1

  1 soap opera

  2 reality show

  3 talent shows

Round 2

  1 characters

  2 fantas

y films

  3 animation

Round 3

1a animation

1b musical

1c horror film

1d thrille

2 action film

3 romantic comedies


UNIT 3, 3B Grammar, Quantity, page 32

Exercise 3

some some important differences; some hobbies any any countries or continents; any coal or oil; any food; any special missions

a some 

b any


Exercise 4

1 any 

2 some 

3 some 

4 some 

5 any 

6 any


Exercise 5

a few conflicts;

a little time


a lot of islands;

How many cities;

How much energy;

not many trees or plants;

not much pollution


a not much, a little

b not many, a few

c a lot of

f how much, how many


Exercise 6

1 some 

2 any 

3 much 

4 some 

5 many 

6 much

7 a few 

8 a few 

9 any 

10 a little 

11 a lot of 

12 any

Інші завдання дивись тут.


сторінка 77,78) до підручника з англійської мови SOLUTIONS Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book (Third Edition) by Tim Falla, Paul A Davies » Допомога учням

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UNIT 7, 7C Listening, Honesty pays, page 77

Exercise 2

He found a lot of money in a shopping centre, but although he was homeless, he handed it in to the police.


Exercise 3

1 verb 

2 place 

3 noun 

4 people 

5 person

6 noun 

7 number


Exercise 4

1 has been homeless 

2 a shopping centre

3 money 

4 to the police 

5 Chinese student

6 website 

7 over $100,000


Exercise 6

borrow – lend; 

buy – sell; 

get a refund – give a refund;

save – spend


Exercise 8

1 in a clothes store

2 other people, like her family and friends

3 by (credit) card 

4 £6 a week

5 a week after she bought it


Exercise 9



3 B 

4 F 

5 C


Exercise 10

2 borrow 

3 lent 

4 saving 

5 bought 

6 charged

7 spend 

8 cost 

9 sold


UNIT 7, 7D Grammar, Past perfect, page 78

Exercise 1

Howell’s hard drive is in an enormous rubbish dump.

It is worth $7.5 million.

No, he didn’t find it.


Exercise 2

had thrown … away; had risen; had increased; had taken … apart; had spilled; had kept; had sold; had … forgotten; hadn’t saved

1 had 2 hadn’t 


Exercise 3

1 Howell threw the computer away and then forgot about the bitcoins.

2 Howell had forgotten about the bitcoins before he threw the computer away.


Exercise 4

1 left; had forgotten 

2 had … bought

3 had … closed 

4 hadn’t been 

5 had gone


Exercise 5

2 After I’d been to the cosmetics store, I went to the hairdresser’s.

3 After I’d paid for the flowers, I left the shop.

4 After Jim had done some shopping, he caught the bus home.

5 After my dad had left university, he became a teacher.

6 After the chemist’s had closed down, a charity shop opened in the same building. 


Exercise 6

1 had won the lottery 

2 had bought his ticket

3 hadn’t checked the numbers 

4 had lost his ticket

5 had taken the lottery company 

6 had lost

Інші завдання дивись тут…

Сколько неспаренных электронов в атоме Gd(Z = 64)?


20 видео


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Сколько неспаренных электронов присутствует в атоме ртути (Z = 80)?



Электронная конфигурация Gd2+is :



Атомный номер 69)Тм, «»_(71)Лу. какое из перечисленных веществ не имеет неспаренного электрона?


Текст Решение

Внешняя электронная конфигурация Gd (At.No. 64) равна



Gd (64) имеет ……….. Неспаренные электроны с суммой спинов ………



Электронная конфигурация Gd: 6:35

9000 IS-



GD (64) имеет ……… .. подносящие электроны с суммой спина ……… ..



GD (z = 64) में में में अयुग्मित इलेक्ट्रॉनों की संख्या लिखिए।



Внешняя электронная конфигурация Gd (атомный номер 64): 9- в основном состоянии гадолиния (Gd, Z=64)



Число неспаренных электронов в Gd(Z=64)


0102 3 has ___ unpaired electrons with sum of spin ____





  • Why is значение E(Cu^(2+)|Cu)^(0)(+0.

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