ГДЗ по Английскому языку за 8 класс Л.М. Лапицкая, Н.В. Демченко student’s book
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ГДЗ по английскому языку для 8 класса student’s book Лапицкая
Тип: Учебник
Издательство: Высшая школа 2016
Для Белорусских школ разработан специальный учебно-методический комплекс «Английский язык», который подходит для всех общеобразовательных учреждений. Составной частью этого комплекса является школьный учебник по английскому языку за 8 класс, составленный коллегией авторов, знакомых ученикам с младших классов: Л.М. Лапицкая, Н.В. Демченко, А.В. Волков, А.И. Калишевич, Т.Ю. Севрюкован, Н.В. Юхнель. Также эти авторы дали возможность ученикам использовать развернутые ответы к учебнику. Такую возможность предоставляет решебник. В ГДЗ по английскому языку за 8 класс Лапицкая содержатся готовые домашние задания ко всем упражнениям и пунктам из заданий. Использование таких пособий, значительно сократит время на подготовку домашнего задания по английскому языку и вселит уверенность в отношении положительных оценок.
Решебник делится на восемь частей. Первая часть, именуемая ABOUT THE UK, поведает восьмиклассникам об интересной стране Великобритании. Следующая часть SCHOOL IS NOT ONLY LEARNING постарается донести до учеников всю важность и привлекательность процесса обучения. Далее следует часть, посвященная еде FOOD.
В четвертой части школьники смогут обсудить такие интересные вопросы, как важность денег и из чего формируется бюджет (MONEY). Пятая часть, под названием VERY TRADITIONAL BRITAIN, растолкует все традиции интересной страны Британии. Смогут поговорить восьмиклассники на довольно распространенную тему музыки, которая представлена в шестой части(MUSIC). Последние две части окунут учеников в мир книги и кино (THERE IS NO LIFE WITHOUT BOOKS, CINEMA).
ГДЗ к рабочей тетради по английскому языку за 8 класс Лапицкая Л.М. можно посмотреть здесь.
ГДЗ к тетради по грамматике по английскому языку за 8 класс Севрюкова Т.Ю. можно посмотреть здесь.
ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 8 класса student’s book Л.М. Лапицкая, Н.В. Демченко, А.В. Волков, А.И. Калишевич, Т.Ю. Севрюкован, Н.В. Юхнель на 5
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Дикие и домашние животные, а также птицы на английском в карточках для малышей и названия их детёнышей по-английски. Перевод слов «котёнок», «слонёнок», «львёнок», «тигрёнок», «жеребёнок», «щенок», «утёнок», «птенец», «козлёнок», «ягнёнок», «медвежонок», «волчонок» и других зверят и птичек с русского на английский в таблице с переводом, озвучиванием и картинками!
Какие звуки издают животные на английском? Английская лексика для малышей и школьников, или как будет по-английски «МЯУ», «ГАВ», «МУ», «КАР», «БЕ», «КУ-КУ», «КВА-КВА», «КРЯ-КРЯ», «КО-КО-КО», «ИГО-ГО», «ХРЮ-ХРЮ», «КУКАРЕКУ»?
Лапицкая Л.М. Английский язык 8 класс, тексты аудиозаписей
Лапицкая Л.М. Английский язык 8 класс, тексты аудиозаписейДоступные файлы (1):
Тексты аудиозаписей к учебному пособию «Английский язык. 8 класс»Авторы: Л. М. Лапицкая, Н. В. Демченко,
А. И. Калишевич, Н. В. Юхнель, А. В. Волков,
Т. Ю. Севрюкова
LESSON 5, Ex.3a, 3b
The Giant’s Causeway
The Giant’s Causeway is a place of breathtaking beauty, one of the greatest wonders of the world, covered in mystery. It’s located in the County of Antrim in Northern Ireland, in the north-eastern part of Ireland.
Its beauty was opened to people by the Bishop of Londonderry who visited the north of Ireland in 1692 and discovered the causeway. Later he spoke about it in Dublin and London and in 1694, a debate started on how it was formed. Theories ranged from men-made to natural formation, but scientists were puzzled by the amazing symmetry of thousands of columns. The mechanism of their formation was not clear until 1771 when a Frenchman explained it was the result of volcanic activity. The columns that make up the causeway were formed about 60 million years ago by cooling lava.
While the Bishop brought knowledge of the causeway to a wider world, the first people who probably saw it were the hunters and gatherers who settled in the area after the last ice age (10,000 years ago). It is believed that they travelled around the densely forested north coast by boats and saw the causeway on their travels. Perhaps they created a lot of myths and legends about this area. This is one of them.
Once upon a time on the north coast of Ireland, there lived a gentle giant called Finn McCool with his wife Oonagh. At fifty two feet six inches, which is more than 17 metres, he was a small giant. But across the sea in Scotland there lived a giant called Benandonner, who used to shout that he was stronger and could easily beat Finn McCool if there was no sea between them.
So Finn decided to build a causeway (a bridge) out of huge stones across the water, as no boat at their time was large enough to hold a giant. But the work was so hard and Finn was so tired that he fell asleep without waiting for the Scottish giant.
Oonagh, Finn’s wife, woke up early the next morning to find Finn sound asleep. Then she heard the sound of huge footsteps and saw the strong Benandonner. He was truly gigantic. She understood that Finn would not win the fight against this Scottish giant. And she knew that fights aren’t always won on the basis of size and strength. Quick thinking Oonagh covered the sleeping Finn with a dress and hat.
«Where’s Finn?» thundered Benandonner, «Where is he hiding?»
Oonagh pointed to the sleeping Finn. «Be quiet,» she told Benandonner, «or you’ll wake the child!»
Benandonner panicked. If the child was that big, how much bigger might Finn be? He did not stay to see. He quickly went back across the causeway, destroying it behind him so that Finn McCool couldn’t follow him.
Believe it or not, but this amazing place is called the Giant’s Causeway. In 1986, the Giant’s Causeway was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a year later it became a Natural Nature Reserve in Northern Ireland. Today it’s Northern Ireland’s most popular tourist attraction.
LESSON 1, Ex. 4a, 4b
Natalie: Hi, Alesya. My name’s Natalie.
Alesya: Hi, Natalie. Nice to meet you.
Natalie: How was your first day at Alesya? Do you feel all right?
Alesya: Yes, I like the school and the teachers; and I also like our class but I still need to learn a lot about the school rules and the school day and I need to learn the girls’ and the teachers’ names.
Natalie: You will very soon! The teachers and the girls and I will be helping you.
Alesya: Oh, thank you… Can you please tell me again what time I have to be at school. I hate being late.
Natalie: The registration starts at 8.40 am. And then we have lessons from 9 am to 4 pm.
Alesya: Oh, that’s so long! Are there breaks during the day?
Natalie: Of course, there are. We have 15-minute breaks in the morning and in the afternoon and there’s a long lunch break at 12.05.
Alesya: Sounds good! Are lunches good here?
Natalie: Yes, they are! They always serve us a freshly cooked lunch. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like the food here!
Alesya: Yes, I liked the lunch today very much! What else do I need to know about school rules, Natalie?
Natalie: The rules are easy: do your homework every day and don’t forget to bring it to school as well as your exercise-books and stationary – pens and pencils and that kind of stuff.
Alesya: It’s easy. These rules are the same as we had in Belarus. Natalie, I wanted to ask you about the school uniform. Do we really have to wear our shirts and skirts every day? What if I come in jeans or a dress?
Natalie: That’s not a good idea, Alesya. We all have to wear our uniforms every day. I know it is kind of boring if you wear the same clothes every day, but we have some choice (выбор)! You can choose from trousers or a skirt, a jumper, a cardigan or a blazer. We also have a choice of blouses and tank tops.
Alesya: I see.
Natalie: Why are you so unhappy about our school uniform? Was the uniform in Belarus much better?
Alesya: We didn’t have to wear school uniform, that’s why I’m so upset… Don’t worry, Natalie, I’ll learn to like it.
Natalie: I’m sure you will. Good news is you can wear whatever you like on school trips and at weekend activities.
Alesya: It is really good news!
Natalie: Here’s our school booklet. On the first page you’ll find the most important rules.
Alesya: Thanks a lot!
LESSON 4, Ex. 3a, 3b, 3c
Natalie: | Hi, Mr Smith. This is Alesya. She’s my new friend. |
Club advisor: | Hi, Alesya. |
Alesya: | Hello, Mr Smith. |
Club advisor: | Well, Alesya, it’s time to choose a club or two. The aim of our clubs is to develop our students. We have wonderful facilities. Are you ready? |
Alesya: | Yes, Sir. You have such great clubs here! I like all of them! |
Club advisor: | Thank you, Alesya. We try to have clubs interesting for everyone. OK… Have you chosen anything? |
Alesya: | Well… I’m afraid of speaking in front of people but I need it for my lessons. So I think I need the Speaking skills club… I’m fond of working on the computer — so I’d like to join the web design club. |
Club advisor: | OK, Alesya. It’s a good choice. I’m sure you’ll get good help from our experienced teachers. Anything else? |
Alesya: | Oh, yes, Mr. Smith! I’ve always been interested in world dances. This is my third choice… Then, I think the Shakespeare fans club is also fun. I want to learn more about William Shakespeare and his plays and I think it will also help me not to be afraid of the stage. |
Club advisor: | Yes, Alesya, this club is a very good choice. The club teacher is a professional actor and they always make very good performances. Is this all? |
Alesya: | No, Mr. Smith. I would also like to learn to play field hockey because everybody here plays it but I‘ve only watched it on TV. |
Club advisor: | I agree, Alesya. Field hockey is very popular here. You can take the Field hockey club now but you can also learn to play it next term. |
Alesya: | Oh? Can I choose other clubs in January? |
Club advisor: | Yes, of course, Alesya! In January you can stay in your club or change it. |
Alesya: | It sounds great! I’d like to learn more new activities! |
Club advisor: | So, Alesya, you’ve chosen five clubs. |
Alesya: | Yes, Mr. Smith. I’d like to choose more. |
Club advisor: | No, Alesya. I’m afraid, five is a lot. Don’t forget that each club is two or three times a week and you also have homework to do and books to read. |
Alesya: | Oh? Is five a lot? |
Club advisor: | Yes, I think it’s too many. You will also need time for being with your school friends and for relaxing. What if you take three clubs now and then choose other clubs in January? What do you really want to do now? |
Alesya: | OK, Mr. Smith… Three clubs… I need the Speaking skills clubs… I’ll take the World Dances club… And I’ll do the Web Design. |
Club advisor: | A very good choice, Alesya! These clubs will develop your talents and skills. Good luck! |
Alesya: | Thank you, Mr. Smith. |
LESSON 5, ex. 2b
A school year is nine months long and it’s full of events! Many of them became traditions because they happen every year on the same dates. Some traditions are similar in all Belarusian schools, some are unique. The school year starts on September, 1.This day is special for all: school children, their teachers and parents. The day starts with the school gathering when all classes and teachers stand in front of the school and listen to the welcoming speeches of their teachers, schoolmates and parents. Students look really nice in their new school uniforms! Everyone is excited to see their school friends and teachers after long summer holidays. After the school gathering teachers take their classes to their classrooms for the first lesson. When the lesson is over, students may have a class event – a picnic or a walk in the park or a class trip. The events on this day are usually the same every year but everyone waits for this day, likes it and remembers it.
Lesson 1, ex.2b & 2c – see ex.3a
Lesson 3 , ex. 2a, 2c
Alesya: I am Alesya . I live in Belarus. My breakfast is usually scrambled or boiled eggs, a piece of bread with cheese and ham and a cup of tea. Sometimes I have a plate of kasha with a glass of milk.
Yan: I am Yan. I live in Scotland. Every morning I have a bowl of porridge and a glass of milk or serials with milk. On Sundays we always have bacon and eggs with tomatoes. Sometimes we have black pudding. I always have a cup of milk tea as my parents don’t allow me to drink black or white coffee (coffee with milk).
I am Lee from China. For breakfast I eat a bowl of noodles or a plate of rice with some fish or some meat, usually beef or pork and a plate of vegetables. Sometimes it is simply a plate of vegetables when I need a quick breakfast. I also have a cup of good tea. I never drink milk.
Lesson 4, ex. 2 – see ex. 3a
Lesson 4, Ex. 4b, 4c
To make this pie you need 5 large apples, just about 1 kilo, 4 large eggs, at room temperature, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour, a pinch of vanillin powder and a little bit of butter, to butter the pan.
First of all peel and slice the apples. Then, preheat the oven to 180C.
Butter the pan. Put the apples into the pan. You do not have to arrange them accurately. Meanwhile, in a bowl, beat the eggs and sugar well. The more you beat, the more the cake will rise and the softer it will be. Add a pinch vanillin powder and flour. Mix well until the batter (жидкое тесто) is made.
Then, pour the batter all over the apples, to cover well. Do not mix. Put it in the preheated oven and bake in the middle of the oven for 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until the top is golden. Let it cool slightly. Serve warm with ice cream, or at room temperature with a cup of tea or coffee. Enjoy your pie!
Lesson 6, ex. 3b
Alesya: Dad, hi! I’m so glad to hear your voice! It’s so interesting here but I miss you and mum and my friends at school.
Dad: Hi, Alesya, we miss you as well. I’m phoning because you wanted to get the recipe for draniki. You need to take about a kilo of potato, one onion, 2 eggs, 80 – 100 grams of flour, salt and pepper to taste. Peel and grate the potato and the onion into a large bowl. Add the other ingredients and mix well.
A: I remember that but when I was trying to make them here, the mixture was very wet. What do I do in this case?
D: You can either pour off the extra liquid or add a little bit more flour and mix well again.
A: Then I heat the oil in a frying pan till it is hot. Then I take a tablespoon of the mixture and put it into the oil, pressing a little bit.
D: Yes, correct. The draniki need to fry for 3-4 minutes on each side till the potato is cooked through.
A: What do I do if I decide to make kolduny instead?
D: Koldyny, as you know, are stuffed draniki. You can stuff them with meat or mushrooms. To make the stuffed pancakes do the same as for the plain draniki, but make a thinner layer in the pan. On top of this, spread the filling and finish with another thin layer of potato mixture, spread over the filling. Press at the sides to make one big stuffed dranik.
A: Many, many thanks. Now I will make my dish well. You know how much I love draniki and I want everyone here to like them as much as I do.
LESSON 2, ex.2b
Hello, everyone. Here in the studio with us is very promising young actor Billy Banks. As you know he stars in recent Hollywood production ‘Money Talks’. I’m going to ask him questions about money –ha-ha-ha!
Hi, everyone. I guess you’ve chosen me to talk about money because of my name.
Not only because of your name. I’ve known you for five years and I understand you’re a very rich man now. But in the film your character borrows money from everyone to make his dreams come true. Have you ever borrowed money from someone?
No, I haven’t. I’ve always been careful with my money. You know, in ‘Hamlet’ Shakespeare wrote: ‘Neither a lender, nor a borrower be.’ I try neither to lend nor to borrow money.
How much money do you earn?
Enough to live a comfortable life.
Do you try to save money or do you usually spend it as soon as you get it?
I’ve been saving money for a flat in London but I can’t afford to buy a good flat yet. Though, I’ve already saved quite a lot – actually 80% of the money I need.
Have you ever lent money to someone who didn’t pay you back?
Oh, lots of times. When I became famous, I found out that I had many friends who wanted to borrow money from me. They’ve disappeared somewhere now. I’ve been trying to get my money back, but – no luck.
We’ve chosen you for this interview because you’re famous for spending your money wisely – not on expensive cars or parties. You’re also known as a person who spends a lot on charity. How long have you been doing this?
I’ve been doing some work for charity since my drama school years. I’ve been helping the poor children of Haiti for the last few years. And I’m proud to say that we’ve already helped many children there. And if you want to help, you can visit my site on the Internet, the address is …
Lesson 5, ex. 1.
Look around and you will see – I’m hiding under a tree.
You don’t have to go too far – you can find me in this car.
Can you climb very high? You might find me near the sky!
Stop looking for me in the tree! Can’t you see me near the sea!
There’s no need to look for it in the sand, because I’m hiding it in my hand.
To find an egg you’re unable? – Look! It’s under the table!
When it’s done it will be a pleasure to exchange the Easter treasure.
Lesson 7, ex. 2b
There are a lot of superstitions in Britain, but one of the most widely-believed is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder – even if it means stepping into a busy street. If you must pass under a ladder, you can avoid bad luck by crossing your fingers and keeping them crossed until you’ve seen a dog.
Another common superstition is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house – it will either bring bad luck to the person that opened it or to the household. Anyone who opens an umbrella in fine weather is unpopular, as it will bring rain.
The worst is when someone breaks a mirror – it brings seven years of bad luck. The superstition goes back to ancient times, when mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.
It’s unlucky to spill salt. If you do, you must throw it over your shoulder to avoid the bad luck.
The number thirteen is unlucky. It is unlucky to have thirteen at a table or in a company. The number 13, in the Christian faith, is the number of people at the Last Supper, with the 13th guest at the table being the traitor, Judas.
The unlucky number 13 is often left out when numbering houses, flats and hotel rooms.
Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is considered to be an unlucky day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
Good Luck
Black cats are generally thought lucky in Britain, even though ([ ] хотя) they are associated with witchcraft ([ ] колдовство) — a witch’s animal is usually a black cat. It is especially lucky if a black cat crosses your path.
A commonly-held superstition is that of touching wood for luck, most often if you think you have said something that is tempting fate (искушает судьбу) , such as ‘my car has never broken down — touch wood!’
A horseshoe over the door brings good luck. But the horseshoe needs to be the right way up. The luck runs out of the horseshoe if it is upside down. Horseshoes are generally a sign of good luck and figure on many good luck cards.
On the first day of the month it is lucky to say «white rabbits, white rabbits white rabbits,» before pronouncing your first word of the day.
Catch falling leaves in Autumn and you’ll have good luck. Every leaf means a lucky month next year.
Putting money in the pocket of new clothes brings good luck too.
Lesson 1, ex. 1а.
Natalie: Let’s turn on the radio, shall we?
Alesya: Nice idea…(музыка). Wow! Rap! It’s so rhythmic and exciting!
Natalie: Please no! I don’t like it. It’s rude and sounds angry … (музыка). That’s it. Hard rock is much better.
Alesya: All my friends listen to it, but not me. I often like the texts of hard rock songs but not the music. It’s so aggressive and I find it depressing.
Natalie: (Музыка) Maybe this will do. Classical music will never die.
Alesya: Yes, but it’s not popular with teenagers today.
Natalie: If we are looking for popular music may be let’s find pop.
Alesya: Please no! It’s so sentimental… (музыка). Yes. Jazz! It’s fantastic!
Natalie: Agree! It’s always so energetic.
Key: they have chosen Jazz.
Lesson 5, ex.1a
Editor (woman): | Hi, Chris, It’s Sunday morning. How’s your article going? |
Journalist (man): | Good morning, Mrs Rosenberg. I’m working on it. I need more time, you know. |
Editor: | Well, Chris, we have 18 hours before the magazine appears at newsagents. You must send the article to me till 3 pm this afternoon. |
Journalist: | Oh, Mrs Rosenberg, It’s not enough. I need more time, please. |
Editor: | Chris, did you interview “The Tigers” yesterday after the concert or did you not? |
Journalist: | Of course, I interviewed them, Mrs Rosenberg. |
Editor: | What’s the problem then? |
Journalist: | There are no problems, Missis… Well, you know… I can’t… find … the recording on my computer. |
Editor: | What? You lost the recording? Do you know how much money we could get for it? |
Journalist: | Yes, Missis… I know… I have no idea where I could lose it. |
Editor: | Think hard, Chris. “The Tigers” had only one concert in our city and there’s no second chance for you to interview them again. |
Journalist: | I know, Missis. |
Editor: | OK, let’s think together. Did you interview them in the Concert Hall building? |
Journalist: | No, Missis… Oh, I know! They were in a hurry to a club so they asked me if it was OK to have the interview on the way there, in their limousine… |
Editor: | I see, Chris… I know WHAT happened next! You went to the club with them, left your computer in the car and forgot about it till the moment I called you! |
Journalist: | I’m sorry, Missis. It was just like you said… They are awesome guys! |
Editor: | I know they are. But you’d better hurry up and get your computer from them! |
Journalist: | Yes, Mrs Rosenberg. |
Editor: | Call me when you get it! |
Journalist: | Of course, I will. Please don’t worry. |
LESSON 5, Ex.3a
Chris: | Hi, guys. Can I ask you some questions for the magazine “Light on music”? |
1st Tiger: | Sure! We like interviews. But first, can you please write in your article that we liked our concert a lot! |
2nd Tiger: | Yeah. The crowd was fantastic tonight. It was really cool to play here! |
Chris: | Thank you, guys. I’m sure the audience also liked the concert. You moved the crowd, they were really crazy tonight. |
3rd Tiger: | OK, man, what are your questions? |
Chris: | Well, I’d like to know when you started singing. |
2nd Tiger: | Well, we first met at the primary school we went to. Then we all met again at the school choir… What class were we in? |
1st Tiger: | 8th. We were in class 8. Remember how much fun we had at Music lessons? |
3rd Tiger: | Yes, it was fun. |
Chris: | So, you all sang in the school choir, right? |
2nd Tiger: | Yes, but we also played in the school band. |
Chris: | Oh? What instruments? |
1st Tiger: | Well, we tried many instruments. I played the piano and the flute, Daniel played the saxophone and the violin and Jake was always crazy about drums. |
Chris: | I see. You must have had good music teachers. |
3rd Tiger: | Yes, man. We were lucky. None of us comes from a family of musicians so everything we learnt in music is from our school teachers. |
Chris: | OK, let’s move on, guys. Who writes music for your songs? And who writes the songs? |
2nd Tiger: | Most of the songs were written by Jake. He’s our lyrics writer. |
Chris: | Yeah, a very good writer. Your songs aren’t just rhyming words, they make people think. It’s rare and it’s great. |
3rd Tiger: | Thank you, Chris. I’m glad you like my lyrics… Well, as for the music, we all write music, each of us. |
1st Tiger: | Yeah. Writing music is a great way of saying what you think. |
Chris: | What are your plans for next year, guys? Are you going on tours or are you going to write music in the studio? |
3rd Tiger: | Well, we are going on a month-long tour around Europe next May and then we’re playing concerts in Russia next October. |
2nd Tiger: | And we’re also planning to finish our new album. We’ve recorded only two songs for it – there’s a lot to be done. |
Chris: | It’s going to be a busy year! |
1st Tiger: | Yes, but we don’t mind. We’re happy we have to say a lot to our audience. |
Chris: | Thank you for the interview, Tigers! We’ll be waiting for your new albums and new concerts. |
Lesson 8, ex. 2a, 2b
Todd: Alex, can you talk a little about working at a radio station?
Alex: Yeah, sure. The Radio station at my school is called Supermix. I’m actually a DJ. Well, not the one who turns tables, changes discs, I mean… I’m a DJ that plays music and talks on the air a lot, and I think that’s really fun because I can have guests over and I can play, I like all kinds of music, and I like to open their ears to many different kinds of music from, I don’t know, electronic, to classical, to jazz and others. And it’s really a lot of fun. I make lots of friends and we meet groups too because we have concerts sometimes so, you know. It’s really a very, very, very, very, very fun.
Ex. 3a see the text of ex. 3b
Lesson 5, ex. 2c, 2d
Journalist ( Masha Pushkina) : Did you dream of becoming a dramatist in your childhood?
Dramatist ( A. Kureichik) : No, I didn’t. Children are much more practical in their dreams. At first I wanted to become a magician, but when I understood that it’s impossible, I wanted to be a businessman, a cosmonaut, a lawyer, and this dream almost came true.
Journalist: What was your favourite subject at school?
Dramatist: It depended on the teacher. When is was at the lyceum [ ’səm ] of the Belarusian State University my favourite subject was Russian literature. I loved and I still love History. One third of the books in my home library are books on history. I am interested in nature. I would like to know how the world was created, how life developed on the Earth. I like astronomy. But I’ve never been good at maths.
Journalist: What’s your education?
Dramatist: I’m often asked this question. I finished special English language school No 25 in Minsk, then the lyceum [’səm ] of the Belarusian State University and the Law Department of the Belarusian State University. I got a second education as a theatre director.
Journalist: How did you begin writing plays?
Dramatist: Like most of us – at school. First they were poems, then stories, even a fantasy novel. But only at the lyceum I took it seriously. Naturally the poems were the result of my unshared unhappy love and broken heart. I still remember those years with warm feelings. When I was in the first year at the lyceum, my friend acquainted me with Belarusian State University Theatre. That’s how my theatrical career started. That’s where I wrote my first play.
Journalist: Why are you not writing plays for the theatre at the moment?
Dramatist: I’ve had too much of the theatre. My plays have been staged in the best theatres of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. I’ve worked with wonderful theatre actors and directors. I’ve watched hundreds of performances in the best theatres from Los Angeles and New York to London and Berlin. That’s why I’ve decided to give up theatre for cinema.
Journalist: What are your favourite writers?
Dramatist: Somerset Maugham, Brodsky, Gogol.
Journalist: What are your preferences in music?
Dramatist: I like classical music, Corelli, Bah, Shopen, and many others. I am fond of Belarusian rock music, jazz.
Journalist: What are your favourite films?
Dramatist: ‘The Piano”, ‘Andrei Rublev’, ‘Star Wars’ and many others.
Journalist: Where would you like to live?
Dramatist: I’ve lived in many cities of the world, but I want to live and die in Minsk.
Journalist: What’s family for you?
Dramatist: Love and kindness which helps people to live in this imperfect world.
Journalist: What’s work for you?
Dramatist: The happiest time, and the best.
Journalist: What kind of rest do you prefer?
Dramatist: Quiet, and relaxing. But actually, it’s a big secret.
Journalist: What’s happiness for you?
Dramatist: It’s when there are no problems.
Lesson 2, ex. 2a
Hi Alesia, how are you?
Are you doing anything special tonight?
Nothing special. Why?
Do you fancy going to the cinema?
Good idea!
Lesson 3, ex.3b
Last Saturday Mary and John decided to go to the cinema. It had always been their dream to watch “Pirates of the Caribbean”. The film was on at the Odeon, which was their favourite cinema. The tickets were not expensive but the film was so popular that it wasn’t easy to buy tickets. Fortunately John bought two but the time was not convenient – Mary had her music classes at that time. Problems began on their way to the cinema. It suddenly started to rain. As they didn’t have umbrellas they got wet. When they got to the cinema the film had already begun. So they had to look for their seats in the dark. They didn’t know it was only the beginning. When at last Mary and John found their seats they saw that a big man was sitting in front of them. They couldn’t see the screen very well. Besides a group of boys sitting behind them were making a terrible noise eating crisps and popcorn. The lady next to Mary was speaking on the telephone all the time and the girls next to John were discussing the main characters of the film and giggling while watching the film. In other words, their experience of going to the cinema was horrible. To make the things worse, they missed the last bus and had to walk home on foot.
Lesson 3, Ex.4b
Mary was reading a book when the phone rang. A few minutes later she was outside.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing as Mary was going to the cinema. She was smiling because she knew that she was going to see a fantastic film. Mary enjoyed watching movies, especially if something catching was on. Suddenly she heard a strange noise behind her back. She turned around. Someone was standing behind her…
Lesson 6, ex.2a
Interviewer: Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen! I have with me in the studio today Alex Popov, who is a film critic. Alex, welcome.
Alex : Thank you.
Interviewer : Alex, today we are going to talk about one of the most successful Belarusian films “In August 1944”. Who is the director of the film?
Alex: Well, I think many listeners know that the director of the film was Mikhail Ptashuk. He was born in 1943 in Brest region and worked at Belarusfilm, the National Cinema Studio. He created many spectacular films. Many of his films show Belarus in the Great Patriotic War. Some of them became internationally known. Unfortunately, Mr. Ptashuk died in a car crash in 2002 in Moscow.
Interviewer: Why do you think the film is a success?
Alex: The film is a real success. First of all , it was professionally made. It takes us to another reality, to the Belarus of 1944. Secondly, the actors who appeared in the film played wonderfully. You really can’t take your eyes off the screen. And finally, the plot is brilliant. I adore it. The film is breathtaking and catching.
Interviewer: What is the plot of the film?
Alex: The actions of the film take us back to August 1944. The whole territory of Belarus was free from German soldiers, but some individual groups were still operating on its territory. Three young officers were given the task to find a German radio station which was still sending messages. The group, headed by a talented leader captain Aliokhin, used all their courage and professionalism to find the enemy group.
Interviewer :Sounds interesting. And the last question today. Is the film worth seeing?
Alex: This film is really worth seeing. I advise everybody to watch it. The film is for people of all ages. But first of all I recommend it to schoolchildren and teenagers. The topic of the film is really important today. Young people should remember the heroism and patriotism of our countrymen during the Great Patriotic War. Besides, the film teaches young people to be kind and patient, to love our country and to be brave.
Interviewer: Alex, thank you for talking with us, and good luck.
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23 | 823 | Учет затрат Книги CBSE | Класс 11 | Класс 12 Книга |
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Книга по математике NCERT, класс 8 PDF
NCERT Класс 8 по математике
Многие студенты действительно боятся математики, глядя на длинные уравнения и вопросы.Книги NCERT для класса 8 помогают учащимся преодолеть этот страх с помощью простых объяснений.
Более того, книга NCERT по математике для 8-го класса соответствует шаблону CBSE, что делает ее пригодной как для общих, так и для конкурсных экзаменов. Углубленное разъяснение и упражнения побуждают студентов развивать привычку к практике.
Учебники NCERT по математике для класса 8 указывают на логику уравнения, которая необходима для четкой концепции. Следуя книге NCERT Maths, студенты обязательно получат хорошие оценки.
Глава 1 Обзор математики класса 8
Глава 1: Рациональные числа
Первая глава книги знакомит с концепцией рациональных чисел. Он объясняет, что любое число, являющееся делением двух целых чисел, называется рациональными числами. Учащиеся узнают разницу между положительными и отрицательными целыми числами, которые очень важно приравнять к натуральным числам.
Этот учебник математики для 8-го класса дополнительно объясняет свойства замыкания, коммутативность и ассоциативность рациональных чисел, целых и целых чисел.Кроме того, дети понимают роль 0 и 1 в уравнении рациональных чисел.
Кроме того, подробно объясняются понятия отрицательного числа, обратного, распределительного умножения и сложения, числовой прямой и распределительного рационального числа. Эти концепции представлены с примерами, чтобы развеять сомнения учащегося.
Глава 2: Линейные уравнения с одной переменной
Следующая глава дополнительно разъясняет идею линейных уравнений с одной переменной.В нем рассматриваются формулы и уравнения, важные для решения линейного уравнения и переменных. В этой главе объясняются способы решения линейного уравнения с одной стороны и числа с другой, а также числа с той же стороны.
Книга в формате PDF по математике NCERT 8-го класса содержит дополнительные сведения об уравнениях, которые можно привести к прямой форме. При этом необходимо упростить выражения, образующие уравнения, перед их решением.
Более того, в этой главе рассказывается о разнообразной полезности линейных уравнений для решения уравнений возраста, чисел, периметра, валюты и многого другого.
Глава 3: Общие сведения о четырехугольниках
Третья глава книги PDF по математике NCERT для класса 8 объясняет читателю концепцию четырехугольника. При дальнейшем чтении студенты узнают о многоугольниках, которые классифицируются как треугольник, четырехугольник, пятиугольник, шестиугольник, семиугольник и т. Д. В зависимости от вершин.
Кроме того, есть объяснение диагоналей, которые соединяют две непоследовательные вершины. Книга предлагает знания о различных типах многоугольников, таких как выпуклые, вогнутые, правильные и неправильные.
Помимо объяснения, глава кратко информирует студентов о свойстве суммы углов и сумме для измерения внешних углов многоугольников. Здесь также объясняется параллелограмм, их диагонали, сумма углов, элементы и специальные параллелограммы.
Глава 4: Практическая геометрия
Четвертая глава книги объясняет основы геометрии, начиная с построения четырехугольника. В этой главе 8-го учебника по математике NCERT описывается техника формирования четырехугольника, когда задана длина четырех сторон и диагонали
Даны две диагонали и три стороны.
Две смежные стороны и три угла известны.
Даны три стороны и два включенных угла.
Учащиеся узнают о различных типах четырехугольников: ромб, прямоугольник и квадрат. В этой главе также описывается техника решения особых случаев, когда для построения четырехугольника нужно выполнить пять измерений.
Глава 5: Обработка данных
В восьмом классе книги NCERT по математике в формате PDF, пятая глава обучает учащихся способам обработки данных.В этом разделе указывается, что неорганизованная информация известна как необработанные данные, которые необходимо организовать для значимого вмешательства.
Студенты узнают процесс распределения частот в группах и процесс определения частоты. Кроме того, в главе показаны различные способы представления данных, например, с помощью столбцов и круговых диаграмм. Столбчатая гистограмма представляет данные, где интервалы классов расположены по горизонтальной оси, а высота показывает частоты.
Кроме того, учащиеся поймут законы вероятности, которые следуют за случайным экспериментом и результатами.В то же время, большее количество анализов создает событие.
Глава 6: Квадратные и квадратные корни
В этой шестой главе книги PDF для 8 класса по математике NCERT объясняется концепция квадратного и квадратного корня. Такие числа, как 1, 4, 9,16, которые могут быть выражены как произведение числа на себя, определяются как квадратное число.
Читая тему, студенты узнают о свойствах квадратных чисел и различных методах сложения чисел. Квадратное число можно найти, сложив треугольные числа, нечетные числа и нечетные натуральные числа.
Часть квадратного корня в этой книге также рассказывает о теореме Пифагора и тройках Пифагора. Кроме того, также предусмотрен процесс нахождения квадратного корня путем многократного вычитания, разложения на множители, деления и десятичных дробей.
Глава 7: Куб и корни куба
В предыдущей главе изучались основы нахождения квадратных корней, а в седьмой главе показан способ решения задач кубического корня. В 8 классе по математике NCERT PDF дети учатся трижды умножать числа на себя.
Прочитав эту главу, учащиеся узнают, что идеальные кубы могут быть сформированы путем сложения последовательных нечетных чисел и их простых множителей. В то же время они узнают, что кубические корни — это операция, обратная нахождению куба.
Кроме того, в тексте подробно описан процесс разложения на простые множители, который можно использовать для нахождения кубического корня числа.
Глава 8: Сравнение величин
Восьмая глава в математической книге NCERT 8 - одна из важнейших глав, посвященных нахождению величин.Эта глава помогает в развитии вычисления больших чисел у детей, знакомя их с соотношением и процентами.
Более того, их еще учат находить увеличение и уменьшение процентов и скидок. Дети также учатся основам определения прибылей и убытков, себестоимости, продажной цены, расчета налогов и процентов.
Эта книга для 8 класса дополнительно помогает учащимся выучить формулы для расчета сложных процентов и сложных годовых ставок.
Глава 9: Алгебраические выражения и величины
В девятой главе учебника по математике NCERT для 8-го класса рассказывается о выражениях, образованных из терминов и произведений множителей и числовых коэффициентов.
Руководство для учителей 8-х классов (TG) Учебная программа от K до 12
DepEd Tambayan предоставляет сводный список Пособие для учителя 8 класса (TG) 2019-2020 .DepEd Tambayan стремится предоставлять бесплатные ресурсы нашим коллегам-учителям. Пусть эти загружаемые ресурсы помогут вам и сократят ваше время на оформление документов, чтобы ваши усилия могли быть направлены на сам процесс обучения. Получите удовольствие от гуро!
Что такое Руководство для учителей от K до 12?
Цель Руководства для учителей от K до 12 — помочь учителям подготовить разделы работы, объединяющие аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо и обучение. Пособие для учителя помогает учителям задуматься о важных целях учебной программы, а также о возможностях, которые потребуются детям для успешного их достижения.Пособие для учителей K-12 помогает учителям расширить диапазон методов обучения. Кроме того, это побуждает учителей думать о лучших условиях для развития грамотности.
K-12 Teacher’s Guide (TG) и Learner’s Material (LM) — это ресурсы, используемые при подготовке ежедневных уроков. Дополнительные ресурсы включают материалы с портала системы управления и развития учебных ресурсов (LRMDS), учебники и другие дополнительные материалы, будь то цифровые, мультимедийные или онлайн-материалы, в том числе созданные учителями.Однако эти материалы должны использоваться учителями как ресурсы, а не как учебная программа.
Оценивание — это непрерывный, запланированный процесс с использованием различных форм задач для выявления, сбора и интерпретации информации об успеваемости учащихся. Он включает в себя процессы создания и сбора свидетельств достижений, оценки этих свидетельств, регистрации результатов и использования этой информации для понимания и помощи в развитии учащегося с целью улучшения процесса обучения и преподавания.Оценка должна быть как неформальной (оценка для обучения), так и формальной (оценка обучения). В обоих случаях учащимся следует регулярно предоставлять обратную связь, чтобы улучшить процесс обучения.
Загрузите файлы Teacher’s Guide (TG) 2019–2020 бесплатно. Нет Adfly. Нет всплывающих окон. Без вируса. Безопаснее. Быстрее.
8 КЛАСС Пособие для учителя (TG) K – 12 Скачать учебную программу
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DepEd Tambayan оставляет за собой право изменять, удалять и добавлять информацию (включая изображения и ссылки) на этой странице.В случае внесения каких-либо изменений обновленная страница будет немедленно размещена на этом веб-сайте. Пожалуйста, проверяйте последнюю информацию, размещенную здесь, чтобы быть в курсе любых изменений. Узнайте больше о наших условиях использования.
Информация, представленная на этом веб-сайте, предназначена только для образовательных целей. Авторы, включая администратора, не претендуют на владение всем показанным содержимым. Мы считаем, что с помощью такой онлайн-платформы распространение информации для учителей будет проще и быстрее.Для получения законных претензий и удаления, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами .
Эта статья предоставлена вам Education PH, вашим надежным партнером в обучении и успехе. За 499 песо в год можно загружать высококачественные учебные материалы для ваших учеников или студентов.